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Welcome to the Redemption House Resident- Member’s Portal.

Our program is designed to support your journey toward personal growth, independence, and successful reentry into the community.

To create a safe and thriving environment for all participants, we have established the following guidelines:

General Guidelines for Redemption House

Violation of these guidelines may result in consequences, including warnings, probation, or dismissal from the program. We are here to support your journey toward positive change and successful reentry into the community. Your commitment to these guidelines is essential for your growth and transformation. If you have any questions or need clarification on any of these guidelines, please do not hesitate to reach out to our staff. We are here to help you succeed.

1. Respect and Dignity

Treat all residents and staff with respect and kindness.
Respect personal boundaries and privacy.
Avoid discriminatory or offensive language or behavior.

2. Accountability

Take responsibility for your actions and their consequences.
Attend all required meetings, classes, and appointments.
Be punctual and notify staff in advance if you cannot attend.

3. Cleanliness and Maintenance

Keep your living space clean and organized.
Participate in housekeeping duties as assigned.
Report any maintenance issues promptly to staff.

4. Sobriety

Abide by our strict sobriety policy. Alcohol and drug use are strictly prohibited.
Participate in regular drug testing as required.

5. Curfew

Adhere to the established curfew times.
Notify staff in advance if you need an exception.

6. Employment and Education

Maintain employment or educational activities as required for your phase.
Work diligently to achieve your goals and improve your life skills.

7. Communication

Maintain open and honest communication with staff.
Attend weekly house meetings to discuss concerns, progress, and goals.
Use our communication platform to report issues or ask questions.

8. Visitors and Guests

Obtain approval from staff for any visitors or overnight guests.
Ensure your guests adhere to house rules and guidelines.

9. Financial Responsibility

Manage your finances responsibly, including paying rent and utilities.
Follow a budget and save for your independent living unit.

10. Conflict Resolution

Resolve conflicts in a peaceful and respectful manner.
Seek assistance from staff if needed.

11. Graduation Requirements

Complete all program requirements for your specific phase.
Demonstrate readiness for independent living.

12. Continuous Improvement

Commit to personal growth and ongoing improvement.
Attend after-care programs and support groups as needed.